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Joint circular No.2341/2000/TTLT-BKHCNMT-BTC of November 28, 2000 guiding the implementation of The Governments Decree No. 119/1999/ND-CP of September 18, 1999 on a number of financial policies and mechanisms encouraging enterprises to invest in scientific and technological activities

Ngày ban hành: 27/11/2000

Ngày hiệu lực: 02/10/1999

Tình trạng: Còn hiệu lực

Joint circular No. 01/2001/TTLT-BNG-TCBD of September 26, 2001 guiding the broadcasting of images abroad by foreign correspondents in Vietnam through the public telecommunications network promulgated by The Genaral Department of Post and Telecomunications and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ngày ban hành: 25/09/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 10/10/2001

Tình trạng: Còn hiệu lực

Joint circular No. 01/2001/TTLT-BTP-BCA-TANDTC-VKSNDTC of September 25, 2001 guiding the application of the provisions in chapter XV "crimes of infringing upon the marriage and family regimes" of the 1999 Penal Code promulgated.

Ngày ban hành: 24/09/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 09/10/2001

Tình trạng: Còn hiệu lực

Joint circular No. 75/2001/TTLT-BTC-BTM-TCHQ of September 24, 2001, guiding the reduction of import tax on goods of Lao origin specified in the Agreement between the Government of The Socialist Republic of Vietnam and The Government of The Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the 1999 Cua Lo Agreement) on creation of favorable conditions for people, transport means and goods to travel across the border of the two countries.

Ngày ban hành: 23/09/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 23/09/2001

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No. 37/2001/TTLT/BKHCNMT-TCHQ, guiding the customs procedures for and quality inspection of export and import goods subject to the state quality inspection, passed by the General Department of Custom, the Ministry of Science Technology and Environment.

Ngày ban hành: 27/06/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 27/06/2001

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No. 03/2001/TTLT/TCHQ-BNG, passed by the General Department of Custom, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, supplementing and amending a number of points in Joint Circular No. 03/2000/TTLT-TCHQ-BNG of June 6, 2000 of the General Department of Customs and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs which guides the implementation of article 4 of the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 210/1999/QD-TTg of October 27, 1999 on a number of policies towards overseas Vietnamese.

Ngày ban hành: 20/06/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 05/07/2001

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular no. 25/2001/TTLT/BTM-BKHDT-BCN of November 09, 2001 guiding the implementation of textiles and garments quotas for export to the EU, Canada and Turkey in 2002

Ngày ban hành: 08/11/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 23/11/2001

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular no. 88/2001/TTLT-BTC-BGDDT-BNG of November 06, 2001 guiding the management and allocation of the state budget funding for the scheme on "training of scientific and technical cadres at foreign training establishments"

Ngày ban hành: 05/11/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 05/11/2001

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular no. 07/2001/TTLT/BKH-TCTK of November 01, 2001 guiding the production and business lines used in business registration

Ngày ban hành: 31/10/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 15/11/2001

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular no. 24/2001/TTLT-BTM-BVGCP of October 16, 2001 guiding the examination and inspection of the implementation of the government’s decree no. 44/2000/ND-CP of september 1, 2000 on sanctioning administrative violations in the field of price

Ngày ban hành: 15/10/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 30/10/2001

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint Circular No. 22/2001/TTLT-BTM-TCHQ of October 02, 2001 additionally adjusting Joint-Circular No. 09/2000/TTLT-BTM-TCHQ of April 17, 2000 which guides the identification and checking of goods origin passed by The Ministry of Trade and The General Department of Customs.

Ngày ban hành: 01/10/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 16/10/2001

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular no. 93/2001/TTLT-BTC-BTP of November 21, 2001 guiding the regime of collection, remittance and management of the use of notarization and authentication fees and charges

Ngày ban hành: 20/11/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 05/12/2001

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No.92/TTLT-BTC-BCN-TCHQ, on guiding the implementation of the tax preference policy for the manufacture of motorcycles and their engines, issued by the General Department of Customs, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry

Ngày ban hành: 19/11/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 31/12/2001

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular no. 912/2001/TTLT-UBDTMN-BTC-BKHDT of November 16, 2001 guiding the implementation of support policy for ethnic minorities meeting with exceptional difficulties

Ngày ban hành: 15/11/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 30/11/2001

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No. 27/2001/TTLT/BTM-TCHQ, guiding the import of automobiles through non-commercial channel by a number of subjects, passed by the General Department of Custom, the Ministry of Trade.

Ngày ban hành: 05/12/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 20/12/2001

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint Circular No. 01/2001/TANDTC-VKSNDTC-BVHTT of December 05, 2001, on guidance to the implementation of a number of provisions of the civil code in the settlement of disputes involving copyright at people’s courts

Ngày ban hành: 04/12/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 20/12/2001

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No.09/2002/TTLT-BTCCBCP-BLDTBXH-BTC-BYT of February 08, 2002 guiding the transfer of Vietnam Health Insurance to Vietnam Social Insurance

Ngày ban hành: 07/02/2002

Ngày hiệu lực: 07/02/2002

Tình trạng: Còn hiệu lực

Joint circular No.02/2002/TTLT/NHNN-BTP of February 05, 2002 guiding the implementation of the prime minister's Decision No. 149/2001/QD-TTG of October 5, 2001 on the procedures for the sale of security properties as well as the notarization and authentication of documents on the sale and hand-over of properties to commercial banks under courts' judgments and/or rulings

Ngày ban hành: 04/02/2002

Ngày hiệu lực: 19/02/2002

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No. 04/2002/TTLT-BCA-BNG of January 29, 2002, guiding the implementation of the Government’s Decree No. 21/2001/ND-CP of May 28, 2001 detailing the implementation of the ordinance on entry, exit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam

Ngày ban hành: 28/01/2002

Ngày hiệu lực: 12/02/2002

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No. 03/2002/TTLT-BCA-BNG of January 29, 2001, guiding the granting of general passports and laissez-passers to Vietnamese nationals overseas according to the Government’s Decree No. 05/2000/ND-CP of March 3, 2000 on exit and entry of Vietnamese citizens

Ngày ban hành: 28/01/2002

Ngày hiệu lực: 12/02/2002

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular no. 103/2001/TTLT/BTC-BVGCP-BVHTT-BNG of December 24, 2001 guiding the subsidies for transport freight of cultural publications and airfares for art troupes traveling abroad for performance in service of overseas Vietnamese communities

Ngày ban hành: 23/12/2001

Ngày hiệu lực: 23/12/2001

Tình trạng: Còn hiệu lực

Joint circular No. 33/2002/TTLT/BTC-BTP of April 12, 2002, guiding the regime of collection, remittance and use management of fee for registration of and charge for supply of information on security transactions and financial leasing assets

Ngày ban hành: 11/04/2002

Ngày hiệu lực: 26/04/2002

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No.02/2002/TTLT-BXD-BCTCBCP of March 08, 2002 guiding the classification of urban centers and urban management levels

Ngày ban hành: 07/03/2002

Ngày hiệu lực: 22/03/2002

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No.05/2002/TTLT-BKHCNMT-BTCCBP of March 07, 2002 guiding the functions, tasks and powers of the agencies managing science, technology and environment in localities

Ngày ban hành: 06/03/2002

Ngày hiệu lực: 21/03/2002

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No.02/2002/TTLT-BTM-BKHDT-BCN of February 28, 2002 adjusting and guiding the implementation of joint Circular No. 25/2001/Ttlt/Btm-Bkhdt-Bcn of November 9, 2001

Ngày ban hành: 27/02/2002

Ngày hiệu lực: 14/03/2002

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No.17/2002/TTLT-BTC-BTCCBCP of February 08, 2002 guiding the implementation of the prime minister's Decision No. 192/2001/QD-TTG of December 17, 2001 on expanding the experimental assignment of package payrolls and administrative management fundings to state administrative agencies

Ngày ban hành: 07/02/2002

Ngày hiệu lực: 22/02/2002

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No. 02/2003/TTLT-BKH-BTC of March 17, 2003, guiding the elaboration of financial plans for programs and projects using official development assistance (ODA) capital sources

Ngày ban hành: 16/03/2003

Ngày hiệu lực: 31/03/2003

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No. 17/2003/TTLT-BTC-BNNPTNT-BTS of March 14, 2003 guiding the inspection and supervision of import/export goods subject to animal, plant or aquatic product quarantine

Ngày ban hành: 13/03/2003

Ngày hiệu lực: 31/03/2003

Tình trạng: Còn hiệu lực

Joint circular No.01/2003/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BYT-BCA, passed by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security, on guiding the implementation of a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 56/2002/ND-CP of May 15, 2002 on organization of the family- or community-based rehabilitation for drug addicts

Ngày ban hành: 23/01/2003

Ngày hiệu lực: 07/02/2003

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

Joint circular No. 04/2003/TTLT/BVHTT-BXD of January 24, 2003, guiding the copyright over architectural works

Ngày ban hành: 23/01/2003

Ngày hiệu lực: 07/02/2003

Tình trạng: Hết hiệu lực

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