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Decision No. 827/2006/QD-BKH of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, promulgating the list of equipment, machinery, spare parts and special-use means of transport, which can be produced at home; the list of construction materials, which can be produced at home; the list of supplies necessary for petroleum activities, which can be produced at home; the list of raw materials, materials, supplies and semi-finished products in service of shipbuilding industry, which can be produced at home; and the list of raw materials, materials, supplies and semi-finished products, which can be produced at home

Xin mời bạn đăng nhập, đăng ký để xem/thao tác với nội dung này.
Đăng bởi Vanbanphapluat
Đăng bởi Vanbanphapluat
Xin mời bạn đăng nhập, đăng ký để xem/thao tác với nội dung này.
Xin mời bạn đăng nhập, đăng ký để xem/thao tác với nội dung này.

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