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Decision No. 0244/2005/QD-BTM, promulgated by the Ministry of Trade, modifications to the Regulations on issuance of certificate of origin for Vietnamese commodities – form S for enjoyment of preferential duties in compliance with the Agreement on cooperation in economics, culture, science and technology between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic which was issued as an attachement to Decision 0865/2004/QD-BTM dated June 29, 2004.

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Đăng bởi Vanbanphapluat
Đăng bởi Vanbanphapluat
Xin mời bạn đăng nhập, đăng ký để xem/thao tác với nội dung này.
Xin mời bạn đăng nhập, đăng ký để xem/thao tác với nội dung này.

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