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Circular No. 105/2022/TT-BQP dated December 29, 2022 on guidelines for implementation of some articles of Decree No. 162/2013/ND-CP on penalties for administrative violations committed within territorial waters, islands and continental shelf of the socialist republic of Vietnam, Decree No. 23/2017/ND-CP on amendments to some articles of Decree No. 162/2013/ND-CP on penalties for administrative violations committed within territorial waters, islands and continental shelf of the socialist republic of Vietnam and Decree No. 37/2022/ND-CP on admendments to some articles of Decrees on penalties for administrative violations against regulations on national defense and cipher; management and protection of national border; within the territorial waters, islands and continental shelf of the socialist republic of Vietnam

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Đăng bởi Vanbanphapluat
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Xin mời bạn đăng nhập, đăng ký để xem/thao tác với nội dung này.

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