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Circular No. 02/2001/TT-BKHCNMT, promulgated by the Ministry of Science Technology and Environment, providing guidelines on criteria for hi-tech industrial projects; projects to produce new andrare, precious materials; projects to apply new biological technology(ies); projects to apply new technology(ies) to manufacture communications and telecommunications equipment;and projects for treatment of environmental pollution or waste, all as projects to receivespecial investment preference(s); associated issues in reporting environmental impacts;import of used machinery, for foreign invested enterprises in Vietnam.

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Đăng bởi Vanbanphapluat
Đăng bởi Vanbanphapluat
Xin mời bạn đăng nhập, đăng ký để xem/thao tác với nội dung này.
Xin mời bạn đăng nhập, đăng ký để xem/thao tác với nội dung này.

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